Trail running event
At Eläintarha Sports Field and Central Park
on October 12, 2024

Helsinki City Trail becomes the newest NUTS trail run next October



Urban trail running event in Helsinki’s Central Park. Three different distances: 6 km, 14 km, and 24 km. Suitable for both beginners and experienced runners. Friday early evening, NUTS Kids & Juniors for the little trail runners in the family!


Eläintarha Sports Field, Helsinki
Start and finish at the Eläintarha Sports Field. The routes run through the beautiful scenery of Helsinki’s Central Park, reaching the Haltialanmetsä Nature Reserve.


October 12, 2024
Registration is now open! Secure your spot and get ready for an autumn running adventure in the heart of urban nature.

NUTS Kids & Juniors on Friday, 11th October, early evening.

Welcome to the NUTS HEL event, a new urban trail running gem in the heart of Helsinki! This event, formerly known as Helsinki City Trail, has for years provided runners with the opportunity to experience the unique trails and stunning forest landscapes of Helsinki’s Central Park – and now it is part of the NUTS family!

NUTS HEL brings the celebration of trail running to the city, where both seasoned veteran runners and first-timers can equally enjoy our routes that wind through the most charming trails and rocky paths of Central Park. You can choose a distance of 6, 14, or 24 kilometers, each designed to offer a suitable challenge for every runner.

The event combines the ease of urban trail running – the start and finish lines are located at the traditional Eläintarhan kenttä, which is conveniently accessible by tram. The organization and the joyful atmosphere of the event are now brought to you by NUTS, the veteran of trail running events, who bring their familiar energy and expertise to NUTS HEL. Get ready to experience trail running in the middle of Helsinki, NUTS-style!

Zoomer Run Rebate – For Young Runners!

Hey young runner! 🌟 If you were born in 1998 or later, you have the chance to get a 30% discount on your registration fee for the NUTS HEL event.

Who? Everyone born in 1998 or later.

Why? We want to see more young trail runners at our events and make the joy of trail running accessible to everyone.

Age Limits: 24 km: at least 16 years old, 14 km: at least 12 years old, 6 km: no age limit

Don’t miss this opportunity! Grab your friends and come enjoy the urban nature of Central Park. 🌲🏃‍♂️💨

Register now and take advantage of the Zoomer Run Rebate!

Secure Your Spot for NUTS Karhunkierros 2025!

Exclusive Offer for NUTS HEL Runners: Receive early access to register for NUTS Karhunkierros 2025. Secure your place in Finland’s largest trail running event before public registration opens!

Public Registration: Public registration opens on Tuesday, October 15, 2024, at 6:00 PM.

The organiser reserves the right to make changes. Please follow this page for additional information.

11.10.2024 On Friday

(tarkentuu)NUTS Expo yhteislenkit ja ohjelmat perjantaina vapaasti kaikilleEläintarha Sports Field
(tarkentuu)Bib Pickup
Tutustu polkujuoksuun -yhteislenkit nonstop perjantai-illan ajan
Tutustu ja kokeile polkujuoksukenkiä: Dynafit, VJ, Hoka
17.30NUTS Kids & Juniors
n. 19.00–Ajatuksia, ideoita, puheenvuoroja. Mukana mm. Eevi Bengs ja Max Moberg

12.10.2024 On Saturday

(tarkentuu)Bib Pickup Eläintarha Sports Field
10.00 wave start24 km start
10.30 wave start14 km start
11.00 6 km start
16.00Finish line closes
(tarkentuu)Prize ceremonyFinish Line

The 24 km route has six aid stations: one at the 6 km turnaround point, and additional stations in Pirkkola and Paloheinä on both the outbound and return legs.

The 14 km route has three aid stations: one at the 6 km turnaround point on both the outbound and return legs, and one in Pirkkola (where the 14 km route turns onto the return path).

The 6 km route has one aid station at the turnaround point.

  • mandatory  
  • advisable

Jaamme 6 km, 14 km, 24 km matkoille:

  • Numerolappu ja hakaneulat – kiinnitä numero näkyvälle paikalle rintaan tai kisavyöllä vyötäisille

Tuo mukanasi

6 km, 14 km, 24 km:

  • Toimiva matkapuhelin ladatulla akulla – suojaa kastumiselta ja tallenna puhelimeen tapahtumapäivystyksen numero 040 6605 281. Puhelin on oltava mukana, jotta voit soittaa sillä apua itselle tai toisille osallistujille. Myös me järjestäjät voimme tarvittaessa soittaa sinulle. Soittaessamme vastaa puhelimeen, vaikka sinulla olisikin kaikki hyvin.
  • Muki – emme roskaa kansallispuistoa kertakäyttömukeilla
  • Elastinen liimaside vesitiiviisti pakattuna (min. 100cm x 6cm)
  • Juomapullo tai nesterakko vähintään 0,5 litraa
  • Avaruuslakana hätätilanteiden lämmikkeeksi
  • Merkinantopilli
  • Varaenergiaa hätätilanteisiin vähintään 250 kcal

Huomioithan, ettemme tarjoa huoltopisteillä kertakäyttömukeja!

Pakolliset varusteet on kuljetettava lähdöstä maaliin. Tapahtuman järjestäjä voi tarkastaa pakolliset varusteet pistotarkastuksin tapahtuman aikana.